Senior Portfolio Seminar

CRWR 453 Spring 18

April 17, 2018
by kirven18
Comments Off on Kollin’s Response to Limón pp. 79-101

Kollin’s Response to Limón pp. 79-101

As I said last class, upon my first read of Limón’s “Day of Song, Day of Silence,” I thought mostly of a similar poem, Katherine Larson’s “Statuary.” Not only were the contents of the poem similar, both about some large, exotic bird, but … Continue reading

February 15, 2018
by kirven18
Comments Off on Kollin’s response to Ada Limón, pp. 13-23

Kollin’s response to Ada Limón, pp. 13-23

Over the weekend. while preparing my own poems for workshop, I read that writing poetry, more so than other writing genres, is about finding the “just right word.”  I often feel, after having read a poem by Ada Limón, that … Continue reading