Senior Portfolio Seminar

CRWR 453 Spring 18

April 19, 2018
by odonnell18
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Maggy’s Atwood Responses (April 19)

I find it interesting that in a collection of stories that often questions the submissiveness/passiveness of women in reality or perception the title story would be “Stone Mattress.” Verna, like most of the other women, carries some kind of male-imposed … Continue reading

April 18, 2018
by gullicksen18
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Lydia’s Response to “Stone Mattress” and “Torching the Dusties”

These stories, “Stone Mattress” and “Torching the Dusties,” were some of the stranger stories in the collection, but both continued the themes of unlikable men and old people that have been present in almost every story so far. Death threats have … Continue reading

April 5, 2018
by odonnell18
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Maggy’s Atwood Response

To begin, “I Dream of Zenia With the Bright Red Teeth” reads at the pace of flash-fiction, although it is a little long to be considered that. It is a bizarre story, but not necessarily fantastic. Zenia incarnated in Ouida … Continue reading

February 28, 2018
by gullicksen18
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Lydia’s Response to “Lusus Naturae”

“Lusus Naturae” by Margaret Atwood was an incredibly strange story. The title means “freak of nature” (according to Google) in Latin which was an interesting choice, but one that definitely fits with the strangeness and mysteriousness of the story that follows. … Continue reading

February 1, 2018
by thom18
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Emma Thom: “Revenant”

After I finished the first paragraph of Atwood’s “Revenant” I began to wonder if my fever and flu symptoms were getting the best of me. But after a second read, I realized it was just that strange. With all of … Continue reading

February 1, 2018
by gullicksen18
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Lydia’s response to “Revenant”

“Revenant” by Margaret Atwood was interesting as a stand-alone short story but even more interesting in the context of the previous story. As soon as we get to “Gavin,” we have a bias against him from Constance. He was the elitist … Continue reading

January 17, 2018
by gullicksen18
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“Alphinland” by Margaret Atwood was beautifully written. The language was the most compelling aspect of it for me. I particularly enjoyed a sentence on page 10, “prepared for the sunset. Prepared for the moonrise. Prepared for the ice storm. What … Continue reading