Senior Portfolio Seminar

CRWR 453 Spring 18

February 10, 2018
by thom18
Comments Off on Emma Thom: “Mother-Father God”

Emma Thom: “Mother-Father God”

I can remember, as a little girl, feeling close to God, knowing he existed. I was baptized and raised in the church by parents who were active members and believed themselves to be “faithful.” While in Nashville we went from a … Continue reading

February 8, 2018
by kirven18
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Kollin’s response to Windmills

 I hadn’t expected that the second chapter of Anything is Possible would not be about Tommy, an elderly man we’d met prior. Instead, we’re introduced to a new character, a character to whom I found myself expressing sympathy. If I … Continue reading

February 8, 2018
by odonnell18
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Maggy’s “Windmills” Response

More so than Atwood, I am struggling to write about Strout’s work. The world is clear and intensely developed, but it isn’t fantastic. Strout has copied our real world, with all of its complexities and layers, and has copied it … Continue reading

February 7, 2018
by thom18
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Emma Thom: “Windmills”

Like Tommy Gutpill, Patty Nicely is concerned with her appearance, her reputation, and the perception of her family members and students. She becomes obsessed with Lila Lane’s harsh words, reciting “Fatty Patty” to herself even in the privacy and loneliness … Continue reading

February 6, 2018
by gullicksen18
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Lydia’s “Windmills” Response

“Windmills” by Elizabeth Strout is set in the same universe as the previous story in this collection, and once again Lucy Barton is a central character even though she is far away in New York. She really seems to have left … Continue reading

February 1, 2018
by thom18
Comments Off on Emma Thom: “Revenant”

Emma Thom: “Revenant”

After I finished the first paragraph of Atwood’s “Revenant” I began to wonder if my fever and flu symptoms were getting the best of me. But after a second read, I realized it was just that strange. With all of … Continue reading

February 1, 2018
by gullicksen18
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Lydia’s response to “Revenant”

“Revenant” by Margaret Atwood was interesting as a stand-alone short story but even more interesting in the context of the previous story. As soon as we get to “Gavin,” we have a bias against him from Constance. He was the elitist … Continue reading

February 1, 2018
by odonnell18
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Maggy’s “Revenant” Response

“Revenant” seems like the masterclass for creating unlikeable characters. Gavin is, without a doubt, the most horrible character I have ever read, yet he is completely believable. Through a close third-person, Gavin’s voice transcends his quoted dialogue and is laced … Continue reading